와이어 브러시의 적용 범위

- 2021-06-11-

강철와이어 브러쉬, 특히 와이어 브러시 롤러는 일반적으로 강철 또는 알루미늄 표면 처리 공장에서 사용됩니다. 일련의 스테인레스 스틸와이어 브러쉬 rollers are installed on a fully automatic high-speed brush polishing machine (brushing machine). The steel 와이어 브러쉬 roller rotates at a high speed on the upper and lower surfaces of the strip in the direction opposite to the movement of the rolling piece to remove the oxide scale. The brushed iron oxide scale is washed away with a closed circulating cooling water washing system. Generally, the thickness of the coil wire is 1.09-6.35mm, and the renewal cycle of the 와이어 브러쉬 is every 20,000 t sheet or 40,000 t steel coil produced. The stainless steel ultra-fine elastic 와이어 브러쉬 is specially used for cleaning ceramic anilox rollers. This is because the hardness of the ceramic is much greater than that of the steel wire, and the 와이어 브러쉬 will not damage the ceramic layer on the surface of the anilox roller. Ultra-fine elastic copper 와이어 브러쉬 is a commonly used and necessary cleaning tool for cleaning chrome-plated metal anilox rollers and gravure printing plate rollers, and the effect of cleaning agents is better.

강철wire pipe brushes are generally used for industrial pipes, mechanical screw hole cleaning and rust removal, polishing and cleaning. The pipe brush process is made of steel or stainless steel wires sandwiched between two or four iron wires and mechanically twisted.